Due to the current state of the world, many people are now working from home to stay safe and stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Certainly, there are benefits to working from home such as being able to sleep in longer, having hot lunches, and spending less time commuting. However, there are also downfalls for both the employer and employee. For example, the lines often get blurred between what comprises a home and an office, and many employees struggle between differentiating their work life and home life balance. That being said, the need for coffee to get through each day remains consistent. 

Working from home has made many employers and employees realize that a major part of our work culture and office moral relies on office coffee breaks. Over the last few months this workplace perk may have fallen by the wayside, but we are curious about the evolution of the coffee break knowing it’s importance and relevance to a positive working environment. Canada ranks tenth in the world for coffee consumption per capita and is the only non-European country in the top ten. Coffee is so popular in Canada that a 2019 survey executed by the Coffee Association of Canada found that 72% of Canadians surveyed had consumed a cup of coffee within the past 24 hours. 

In this blog, we will discuss the history of the coffee break, benefits of coffee breaks in working environments, and our suggestions for the future of coffee breaks. 

History of the coffee break

Coffee was first introduced in North America in 1900 and within a few short years, daily coffee breaks became the societal norm. Stoughton, Wisconsin claims the introduction of the mid-morning pick me up and there is an annual Stoughton Coffee Break Festival to celebrate his breakthrough idea. The term ‘coffee break’ was further cemented into North American history in the early 1950s when an ad campaign pronounced “Give yourself a Coffee-Break — and Get What Coffee Gives to You.” Since the mid 20th century, coffee breaks have been included in the benefits packages for many employees in industrialized nations.

Coffee has many benefits for employees including:

  • More productive and attentive staff
  • Improved office morale
  • Improved client service
  • Increased employee efficiency

Today, almost every office will have some type of coffee making facility but some options, like having this Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine, make for an ideal office environment.

Modern office coffee breaks

Corporate culture has moved beyond offerings of off brand coffee grinds with a side of powdered creamer. Many modern offices showcase upscale coffee bars to impress and entice potential clients, while keeping the current employees satisfied. Therefore, a mid-morning coffee break has the potential to include a cappuccino, flat white, latte, double espresso, and more. 

That being said, with the majority of office workers now working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, what does the future hold for the office coffee break?  

The rise of the virtual coffee breaks

Your employees may be currently working from home, but you can still take advantage of the best place to buy restaurant supplies and surprise your staff with care packages to establish their own home office coffee break stations. A gift of a Mini Handheld Coffee Machine will bode well for ensuring your staff still get their coffee break ‘perks’ while feeling appreciated.

Working from home requires prioritizing your own physical and mental wellbeing as establishing a work/life balance can be difficult, especially for companies which were not initially designed for remote working. With interaction between employees often limited to digital formats, the loss of the coffee break for workplace comradery can lead to feelings of isolation. Encouraging communication between employees should still be a key focus for management even though spontaneous coffee break collaborations may no longer be possible. Virtual coffee breaks may need scheduling, but what better way to ensure that you feel part of a team and maximize interaction amongst colleagues than sharing a cup of coffee, even if it is via video link.   
If you’re interested in purchasing coffee accessories from the best place to buy restaurant supplies, browser Unique Restaurant Supplies online store today! Our team will help you ensure that your office, and your employee’s home offices, are kept well supplied for optimum efficiency.